Check your partner's loyalty through DM.

Is anxiety keeping you from having a strong connection? In the world of DMs, swipes and likes, Lazo is a tool designed to see intentions and let go of toxic relationships.

Our customers talk about us...

I can’t believe how fast my boyfriend folded. Just a few messages were enough. Thank you, Lazo, for helping me see the truth.



It took some time, but with Trinity’s persistence, I discovered my boyfriend's infidelity. I’ve made the tough decision to move on.



He told the tester right away that he’s happily taken. The loyalty test confirmed his commitment, and I couldn’t be happier.



And so does the press

How a loyalty test works

Step 1. Select a checker.

Browse our catalog of verified Lazo checkers. Find the perfect profile to loyalty test your partner: gender, age, ethnicity, languages spoken, social apps, etc.

Choose a profile

Step 2. Send your instructions.

Provide as much context and guidelines as you'd like. The more precise you are, the more likely your checker can perfectly execute the loyalty test. Carte blanche is also an option, they are Lazo professionals after all!

Choose a profile

Step 3. Discover the truth.

A private chat will be available on Lazo during the loyalty test to get updates on the mission and give further instructions.

Choose a profile
Verified checkers

The Lazo team closely checks each piece of information on their profile.

Guaranteed quality

Our checkers know that they have to precisely follow your instructions to get paid for their Lazo loyalty tests.

Secure payment

Powered by Stripe. For all loyalty tests.

Relationship Insights with Lazo

Everything you need to strengthen your relationships can now be found here Advice. Stories. News.